"Life is too short to have short hair"
- RealRapunzels

Who are we?
RealRapunzels is a team of people that have a big passion for long, natural, beautiful hair.
The name RealRapunzels comes from the name "Rapunzel" which is a story about a young girl with super long hair.
Our vision and mission is to help girls and women get inspired to grow very long and healthy hair.
We will inspire you and help you with everything you need, from motivation to hair care advices.
Our models
We are extremely proud of our models, and they are doing a fantastic job!
They are maintaining and taking very well care of their incredible hair as well as being our models and being at shoots.
They are really passionate about long beautiful hair, and they are making RealRapunzels the best long hair inspiration site and hair model company in the world.
We have over 100 models. Click the "Read More" button below to learn more about our models.
Become a model!
Do you have long hair yourself?
Have you ever wanted to become a model, or even a hair model?
Hair models is something that the world starves for, and it is one of the most beautiful and most natural forms of modeling.
By becoming a RealRapunzels model, you will inspire many girls to grow long hair, and make a difference in the society!
Growing very long hair has become a very big trend, and millions of people now wants inspiration, motivation, tips and advices to grow their hair long and very long.
Together, we can help the world with this.
To apply, click the "Read More" button below.
Hair care and products
You have to treat your hair like gold, if you want it to grow long, healthy, and amazing.
Some of the most important factors is health and diet.
You have to drink a lot of water consistently through the day. How much you should drink varies, and factors like your body weight, activity level etc. matters. Ask your doctor or a professional health coach if you have more questions about water intake. You have to eat healthy, nutritious food which supplies you and your hair with important nutrients.
Anyways, eating the right food, being kind to your hair, and drinking a lot of water is not enough.
Your hair needs nutrition, both from inside and out, and it needs hydration.
Natural oils speeds up your hair growth, make it fuller and thicker, and hydrates your hair so it won't get tangles so easily, and the hair will be protected and nourished.
It also prevents you from getting split ends too fast.
Remember that you need to trim your hair at least one time a year to prevent your hair from getting damaged.
If you keep growing your hair without trimming the ends when they are split and damaged, they will "eat" their way upwards which will damage more and more of your hair, which will results in the need of cutting a lot of your hair length.
How often you need to trim your hair varies from person to person, but you should trim it when it starts getting split.
You should not trim it ofter than once every 2-3 months, and you shouldn't need to take of more than 1-2 inches (2.5 - 5 cm.).
Remember that this might not be 100% right for you, as it varies from person to person.
Supplements are also very important, because they help your hair from within, from the roots.
An example: Biotin is one of the most important vitamins for hair growth and hair thickness (it also helps nails), and you can find it in some shampoos. It helps the hair when you use the shampoos, however, it is much more effective when you use Biotin supplement, and your body has to digest that.
Omega 3 (ask us for more information, there are just a few Omega 3 products that actually works), vitamins (you should use different types of vitamins that works very well together (ask us for more information)), and minerals are supplements your hair/body needs, that you can not get enough of from the food you buy and eat.
The supplements we recommend, are specifically for growing your hair long, healthy and thick, but also improves your overall health.
Some of our models are using those products, and they work like magic, their hair has gotten thicker, softer, and it grows much faster than before.
Please note that we do not earn money from recommending this, and we are not responsible for any result if you try what we recommend, as this is just personal advice from us.
If you have any questions or concerns about your health and/or any intake of any food, drink or supplements, talk with your doctor about it.
If you have any questions or concerns about your skin, hair, nails etc., also ask your doctor.
To get the best information on how to grow very long hair, and how to keep it healthy, please stay tuned to our YouTube channel, where we are constantly publishing amazing hair care and hair inspiration videos!